As wise as she is beautiful

Next up is Thorn Bathu, a character from Joe Abercrombie’s Shattered Sea trilogy. Being a literary character rather than from a game/film made getting reference images trickier, but I found a few, as well as some random ladies for the expression:

The things I wanted to focus on were the hair, the expression and the general badass attitude. Here’s the blockout:

Thorn block out

And the final model:

Thorn frontThorn side 2Thorn side 1Thorn backThorn face

I found the expression really hard and it’s still not quite right but I think it just about works. I’m happy with how some of the details came out like the fur on the boots, the axe decoration and the hair braids. The hands are also a little better than my normal efforts I think.

To try and start getting my stuff looked at and potentially find some sculpting work I’ve started up an Artstation page, and will be posting everything on there as well now: Pretty daunting to post on there given the quality of the work on display, but everyone started somewhere I guess.

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